Relax At De Zavala Dental & Braces Dental Anxiety

A woman with her eyes closed smiling.
A woman sitting in a dentist chair smiling.

FACT: Dentophobia is a very common fear in the U.S. Millions of people live with fear of the dentist,

Laughing Gas Is Available

Another method of sedation is the use of laughing gas. This option also helps relieve anxiety and lightens the mood. This particular method helps children and teens who may feel fearful. Laughing gas is also a good choice for patients who have a physical or mental impairment that could make a visit to the dentist worrisome or uncomfortable. It helps the patient relax so that they will have a better experience.

Before administering any sedation, it is critical to review your health history. We take into consideration all medications and supplements you are taking and we ask about your habits such as smoking and alcohol intake. After examining your health history and making the determination that you are a good candidate for sedation, we will then go over the steps to prepare for your dental sedation visit. We carefully screen all sedation patients at De Zavala Dental & Braces because your health and safety come first. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We are committed to ensuring that you have a good dental experience.

Learn More About Sedation Dentistry

WebMD: Sedation Dentistry: Can You Really Relax in the Dentist's Chair?
Healthline: What You Need to Know About Dental Anesthesia
Cleveland Clinic: Sedation Dentistry

De Zavala Dental and Braces is Here to Make You Smile